Merger of OBJECT Intl. Software and art of bits GmbH
Stuttgart, 26.09.2003:
After a long term partnership the companies Object Intl. Software and art of bits merged. The new company can still be found at the address of art of bits. Concerning names and telephone numbers of your art of bits experts everything remains the same.
A merger is like a wedding: afterwards your name is Smith or Wesson or Smith-Wesson. We decided to take the name of Object International Software GmbH. (because art of International Software Object bits was too long for us :-)
The complete address can be found here...
Both enterprises had different fields of activity and kept their focus on different know-how. Object International was focussed on Technology-Services an implementation of software in JAVA whereas art of bits had it's main activities in programming software for small and medium enterprises and Technology-Services and Consulting, regarding C++ and dotnet technology, for Industry and Public Administration.
Engelhard Heß, the CEO of the merged company says: "Concentrating the sales- and marketing activities of both companies under one name and doubling the know-how is a big advantage for all of our customers."
Sven Vogt, CTO of the newly formed company adds: " The know-kow of the two companies integrates seamlessly. Now the customers can have the complete service out of one hand."
Along with the merger we could find an additional investor. This enables us to expand the market for our ERP software ecomerx and our services units.
For further information please contact:
art of bits:
Object Intl. Software GmbH
Ralf Reyeg
Dreifelderstrassse 31
D-70599 Stuttgart
Telefon +49-(0)711 - 16771 - 0
Fax +49-(0)711 - 16771 - 22